Friday, February 4, 2011

While we wait...

We we are waiting for our forever children, we have decided to start preparing for their arrival. I cut back two of my shifts at work so that I have more time with Mirabel and have found a church. This church has just the right amount of people; not too big and not too small. The people are laid back and friendly. There are three services and most people show up late and sit in the back! (Yes, we are one of those people!)  They have a lot of activities for children too. Mirabel loves going to Sunday school and next week we are going to have her start going to Kids Worship, which is a children church where she will learn to sign and dance. There is a puppet minstry,  Preschool, youth group, Bible Quizzing, G.L.U.E (God's Love Unites Everyone) and minstry opportunities. So, this will be the perfect church for our future forever children. :-)

I plan on painting Mirabel's room and redecorating it for her birthday coming up next month. The theme...Princess of course!  We plan on replacing windows in the downstairs bedrooms and putting hardwood floors in the upstairs bedrooms. (So much easier to clean!) I also plan on signing Mirabel up for swimming lessons so that we can go to the pool all summer long. I am starting to go to a mom's group at the church (starting next week) and have begon to connect with old friends.  Over the next couple of months, we want to install an invisible fence for our dog and maybe get a playhouse for outside. How fun would that be?  We decided to have a staycation this year. There is so much kid friendly things to do here from Knobles to bowling, free movies Wednesday, fairs, parks, free waterpark, Catworld, roller skating...the list goes on and on.  So, for now we are focusing on Mirabel and are patiencely waiting for our forever children.

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