Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Pieces of a Puzzle

It always amazing me how I fret and worry and in the end everything comes together.  I'm a planner and maybe I'm a bit of a control freak, so I hate not knowing what is going to happen next.  We've been trying for months to adopt from the foster to adopt program with no luck.  We had an interview set up for little E but the week of the interview we got a phone call that a family member stepped up. Her caseworker told us to please stay interested as this family member probably won't work out.

In July, we went to an older child adoption event and image my shock and horror when I saw a giant poster of little E!  She was up for adoption and her caseworker was looking for a new family for her.  Well, what about us?  Where we not in the running anymore. We may never know because she refused to call or email our AW back.

We had also decided to foster with the goal of reunification. We decided to keep a bed open of little E.  We got so many calls and we said yes to 99% of them with no luck.  Finally, we ended up with three little ones from Wilkes-Berrie. They were a sibling set of three ages 3, 2, and 10 months.  I won't get into too many details here but it was definitely an eye opener. I never realized how bad the System really was nor how hard it was to parent tramatized children.  We were able to advocate for them and get services in place. We were also able to show them what it was like to be part of a family, if only for a moment.  The children were only with us for 2 1/2 weeks but they will also be in our hearts.  It's amazing how quickly you can fall in love.

We decided to wait till after vacation for our next placement. Well, God had other plans because two days before we were suppose to leave I got a phone call that will forever change our lives.  As the worker was reading the referal, I stopped her and told her yes...because I reconized the information.  I knew this little girl and her family.  The birth mom's oldest daughter was adopted by a woman whoes mother use to cut my hair.  I then signed up for Big Brothers Big Sisters.  I was assigned to Punky Brewster who is the sister to the birth mom.  How could I say no?  Little Muffin came and we took her on vacation and she did very well.  We've had her for almost three months and it looks like we might adopt her!  The hearing was moved from December to September and county worker wants to change the goal to adoption!

Less than a month after we got Little Muffin, we got the call for Handsome Man who is a 5 month little boy.  The county called our agency and requested  our family for him.  How could I say no?! Brian was in the background saying No! No! We can take in a baby! He came a half hour later and Brian was in love! He went out and bought a manly diaper bag, crib, and car seat. We are all in love with him. What is sad that the county had trouble placing him in our area because most of the foster families only want white kids!  Well, they missed out on a perfectly good baby! 

Handsome Man has a half brother who is 6yrs old. We will know in October if we will be getting both boys.  J is 6 yrs old and is currently living with his great grandparents.  We were not thrilled about getting a 6yr boy who was exposed to lot in his short life.  We had a sibling visited last week and it turns out that we use to live next to the great grandparents and know J!  He use to come over and play with the kids in the townhomes.  He doens't remember me or the Goobs but I remember him. And he is still the sweet kid I remember.  Brian is happy about getting him.  He won't come till Oct or Nov though.

It is amazing how everything fits together like pieces of a puzzle!

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